3 Reasons To Choose Farm To Table Catering in Singapore

3 Reasons To Choose Farm To Table Catering in Singapore

What is Farm To Table?

In March 2023, the Farm-To-Table (FTT) recognition programme was launched by the Singapore Food Authority (SFA) in Singapore. The programme seeks to encourage caterers, hotels, and restaurants in Singapore to incorporate locally sourced ingredients into their dishes. This contributes to SFA's goal to improve Singapore's food security to maintain a healthy food eco-system, and at the same time, improving Singapore's sustainability efforts. 

Shiok Kitchen Catering has been accredited with the Farm-To-Table recognition to procure at least 15 per cent of our ingredients sourced locally in one category.

Many food establishments in Singapore source their ingredients from other countries due to the price and quantity of obtaining the necessary ingredients. As land is widely available in other countries such as Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, China, etc, it is much more affordable and quickly available in large quantities as compared to sourcing it from local farms. 

On the flip side, many are aware that Singapore does not have the luxury of land space to grow our own produce. Along with the growing manpower and energy costs, this affects the price of procuring local produce, thereby leading to many chefs being reluctant to use local ingredients in their menus. 

As a caterer who caters to many large scale events, being able to source for ingredients at an affordable price and at large quantities would be a plus. So why would introducing Farm-To-Table ingredients matter to us? 

1. Farm To Table ingredients help the environment.

Image taken from Singapore Food Agency

Using locally sourced ingredients helps to reduce the carbon emissions produced by shipping ingredients from overseas (i.e. Airplanes and Cargo ships). Supporting local suppliers by procuring locally grown ingredients from local farms means that every ingredient travels for a shorter distance, thereby reducing the carbon footprint.

Shiok Kitchen Catering sources fresh produce from local farms such as N&N Agricultural Farm for eggs, Atlas Agricultural Farm and Ah Hua Kelong for seafood. Being a farm-to-table establishment means that 15% of our ingredients are obtained from local farms - reducing our carbon footprint. 

2. Farm To Table ensures fresher and tastier food.

Since locally harvested ingredients are grown in Singapore, the food comes to our kitchens much faster than ingredients flown from other countries. As such, we are able to receive the ingredients at its freshest state (as compared to getting it overseas). Doing so keeps the freshness and flavor of the ingredients, thereby resulting in better tasting food as well!

Local produce are also safer to consume. The SFA has input measures in place to ensure that locally grown food is safe for human consumption - such as introducing the SG Fresh Produce Badges. Farms like N&N Agricultural Farm pasteurises their eggs in a warm bath to destroy harmful flu viruses. 

3. You get to support local farmers in Singapore!

Image taken from Singapore Food Agency

As part of SFA's efforts to improve food security in Singapore, introducing the Farm to table movement in Singapore helps to increase the demand for local food production. It encourages food establishments to source for ingredients like Hen Shell Eggs, Leafy Vegetables, Beansprouts, Fish (such as seabass, barramundi, grouper, etc.), Mushrooms, and Quail Eggs from Singapore farms instead of other alternatives. Thereby creating a demand and incentivising farms to continue growing fresh produce. 

Despite the higher costs of sourcing for local produce, Shiok Kitchen Catering is committed to being a farm to table caterer to present our clients with safe and top quality food, while being sustainable.

To find out more about Shiok Kitchen Catering's sustainability efforts here.

For more information about our services, speak to our friendly team here.

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